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Important Note: Time/Space Percentage

If you are new to home daycare please make sure that familiarize yourself with rules for Time/Space Percentage calculations (T/S%). This the most important calculation for home daycare businesses.

Child Related Supplies

These are all the supplies that are directly used by the children and daycare.

  • Art/Craft supplies

  • Toys

  • Games

  • Books

  • Trays/baskets/containers for toys

  • Diapers

  • Wipes

  • Baby/Toddler gear

    • Pack n’ plays, bouncers, jumpers, cribs, changing tables…

  • Cots and/or nap mats

  • Cups/plates/silverware

  • Sheets & blankets

  • Decor

  • Curriculum

  • Music

  • Playground equipment

Make sure you are making a note on receipts if some of these items are used both by your own child and the daycare. If they are used by your child outside of daycare hours then you can only deduct the T/S% amount of the purchase price.

Furniture & Appliances

Furniture and appliance purchases can be written off as home daycare tax deductions. Some items you can write off the whole cost .

  • Microwave

  • Washer & dryer

  • Refrigerator

  • Stove

  • Dishwasher

  • Tables

  • Shelving

  • Desks

  • Tables

  • Chairs

  • Couch

  • TV

  • DVD player

  • Etc…

What else would you add? Did you know that you can also claim the cost of service and repair contracts that come with the furniture?

Home Expenses

These are the expenses that can result from owning (or renting) and maintaining your physical residence.

  • Property Tax

  • Mortgage interest

  • Real estate taxes

  • House depreciation

  • Home repairs

  • Home improvement

  • Home insurance

  • Rent

  • Utilities

    • Gas, electric, garbage, phone (only if you have an exclusive daycare line), water, sewer, cable, internet

Home Improvements and Repairs

Doing some upgrades or need to make some improvements because of the daycare? You can write off a portion of these expenses.

  • Fencing

  • Patios

  • Flooring

  • Remodeling areas used for daycare

  • Furnace

  • Insulation

Household Supplies

These are supplies that are usually used to maintain your home or used by your household. Items that will be used in your daycare AND for personal household use. You can claim a portion of the cost of these items as an expense on your taxes by using your T/S%.

  • Toilet paper

  • Paper towels

  • Napkins

  • Paper plates

  • Paper cups

  • Cleaning supplies (from sprays & cleaners to vacuums & carpet cleaners)

  • Dish soap

  • Hand soap

  • Laundry detergent

  • Dryer sheets

  • Ziploc bags

  • Aluminum foil

  • Saran wrap

  • Garbage bags

  • Light bulbs

  • Air fresheners

  • Welcome mats

  • Washcloths

  • Clocks

  • Snow Shovels

  • etc… Home Expenses

These are the expenses that can result from owning (or renting) and maintaining your physical residence.

  • Property Tax

  • Mortgage interest

  • Real estate taxes

  • House depreciation

  • Home repairs

  • Home improvement

  • Home insurance

  • Rent

  • Utilities

    • Gas, electric, garbage, phone (only if you have an exclusive daycare line), water, sewer, cable, internet

Home Improvements and Repairs

Doing some upgrades or need to make some improvements because of the daycare? You can write off a portion of these expenses.

  • Fencing

  • Patios

  • Flooring

  • Remodeling areas used for daycare

  • Furnace

  • Insulation

Household Supplies

These are supplies that are usually used to maintain your home or used by your household. Items that will be used in your daycare AND for personal household use. You can claim a portion of the cost of these items as an expense on your taxes by using your T/S%.

  • Toilet paper

  • Paper towels

  • Napkins

  • Paper plates

  • Paper cups

  • Cleaning supplies (from sprays & cleaners to vacuums & carpet cleaners)

  • Dish soap

  • Hand soap

  • Laundry detergent

  • Dryer sheets

  • Ziploc bags

  • Aluminum foil

  • Saran wrap

  • Garbage bags

  • Light bulbs

  • Air fresheners

  • Welcome mats

  • Washcloths

  • Clocks

  • Snow Shovels

  • etc…

Office Expenses

Here are some common office-related products that you buy for your home daycare that can be written off.

  • Printers

  • Paper

  • Envelopes

  • File Folders

  • Receipt books

  • Pens

Other Expenses

  • Activities

    • Field trips and other activities done with daycare kids

  • Advertising

  • Car Expenses

    • You can use a standard mileage rate by logging the hours you drove with daycare kids and/or to do daycare related things. You can also keep all your receipts for car care and use the actual expense method. Parking fees also count on car expenses. If you have to pay to park while doing a daycare related activity, like a field trip, you can write off this fee.

  • Bank Fees

  • Dues and Professionals Fees

  • Food

    • This is a MAJOR deduction! You do not have to save receipts as there is a standard meal rate available. You will need to track attendance and meals served in your record-keeping though.

  • Gifts for daycare kids (up to $25 per/kid per year)

  • Lawyers

    • Fees paid to a lawyer for services rendered due to the daycare can also be deducted

  • Taxes

    • Fees paid to a tax preparation company, CPA, or for tax software can be written off as a business expense.

  • Yard service

    • You cannot deduct time you spend mowing/weeding but you can deduct a portion of the fee for a yard service company.

Time Spent Working Without Daycare Kids

While this isn’t a “deduction” so to speak, keeping track of these hours is SO IMPORTANT for reducing your tax liability! Sadly, it’s also something that is frequently overlooked by new providers. By keeping track of all the extra time you do daycare related things, without kids present, can add a significant number of hours to your working hours in a year. All those extra hours can drastically increase your T/S% and save you from paying more in taxes.

Here are some activities that count towards your time:

  • Planning activities

  • Planning meals

  • Preparing meals

  • Preparing activities

  • Unloading groceries for car

  • Loading & unloading dishwasher

  • Laundry (daycare sheets, towels, washcloths, blankets, toys…)

  • Cleaning toys

  • Cleaning carpets

  • Cleaning toy shelves

  • Cleaning the house (areas used by daycare)

  • Cleaning windows

  • Cleaning up after kids leave

  • Setting up playroom/activities in the morning

  • Rotating or reorganizing toys

  • Interviews & tours

  • Phone calls/emails with parents or potential parents

  • Advertising (posting online ads, updating website)

  • Networking

  • Reading books/online articles about home daycare

  • Online research

  • Online training

  • Creating a website

  • Preparing taxes

  • Record keeping (meal logs, Attendance records, income ledger, client files)

  • Creating/updating parent handbooks or contracts

  • Creating forms, notices, & letters to parents (vacation, termination, contract changes, field trip…)

  • Painting, repairing, remodeling daycare areas

  • Maintaining house entryways (ie Shoveling walkways & driveway)

  • Cleaning out & organizing supply closets or areas

  • Vacuuming car (if used for daycare)

  • Baby/child proofing daycare areas

Remember these things need to be daycare related and happen in your daycare home. If you are shopping for groceries or taking a training class at a local facility these do not count as time working without kids because they happen outside of the daycare property. Also, you can’t count hours spent on doing things you would still be doing if you didn’t have a daycare. Activities like general house cleaning, yard work, cleaning out a garage, cleaning the gutters, etc cannot be claimed as time spent because the IRS assumes you would do these things regardless of the daycare. You can only claim things that create additional work because of the daycare.

Hope this is helpful! I am not a tax advisor and I am only sharing things that can be counted as deductions for your daycare business! For info on filing and other tax related questions , you should consult with a tax advisor!!

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